European Technology Salary Survey 2024

  • 💶 What are your skills and experience worth?
  • 🙌  What do tech professionals truly want from their employers?
  • 😊 How happy is the tech workforce?
  • 📈 What external factors have impacted salaries and progression?

If the above questions have been keeping you up at night, you need to grab a copy of our salary & engagement survey. 

Whether you're an employer looking to round off your employee attraction strategy, keen to retain all your most talented staff members, or even if you're an employee wanting to find out how your salary stacks up - there's something for everyone.

Ready to download your copy?

Fill in the form below 👇



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Previous surveys

Looking to find out if your pay stacks up against the industry standard? Or perhaps you're looking for guidance on your staff retention strategy? We've got you. We asked our network of technical geniuses all about their salary changes, expectations and what they look for in a role.

Salary Survey 22/23

Salary Survey 20/21



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